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This page is mostly in Finnish because I don't have the vocabulary and the skill to translate my texts to English so that they would even remotely resemble the originals. There might be occasional feeble attempts to use English as a writing language, but please, just bear with me or flee while you still can.
The roots of the inspiration to write are quite same as the roots of any inspiration, feelings and moods. It's the pain and the joy that drives the inspiration. The harder the pain or the greater the joy, bigger the inspiration. One of the best things I've written are based on strong feelings, but unfortunately (or fortunately depends on the view 8-) for you, those things are much too private to be presented here. I was not going to do this page for a long time, but it seems that now something inspires me and drives me to embarass myself by writing and adding these texts on my home page.
Aloitanpa muutamalla suomenkielisellä tekstillä, jotka olen kirjoittanut joskus yllättävän luovan hulluuden puuskassa.
Here are some new and modified song lyrics that are at least partially my fault:
Tänne olen kerännyt kuljeksimasta pois sekavia ajatuksiani ja huonoja runoja mieleni epämääräisiltä rajoilta. Ne saattavat lainata tai kirjoittaa uudelleen muistoja tai asioita, joita en tunne.